First Steps
My story in the Netherlands is marked by the previous experience of a close friend of mine. Three months before I decided to go on this adventure, my friend traveled to the Netherlands for work. I waited about two months to see how my friend has been doing and he advised me to follow his footsteps.
From that moment, I started looking for information when I suddenly came across TENS Holanda’s Instagram.
I was reading the offers until I decided to apply. At first I must admit that I felt mistrust, but as the interviews went on, I started to believe more in this experience.
Eventually, my cousin and I started looking for information on the Internet about the agency and were able to verify that it was real and that we could trust it.
After landing in the Netherlands, our goal was to grow professionally and financially, as well as to stay there long-term. I am now celebrating one year of working in the Netherlands.

housing and work
On the negative side, it bothered me that at first I went to live in Belgium, right on the border with the Netherlands (among the possible accommodations, it was one of the furthest away from the work location). Now after a year I continue to live there, sharing a room with a roommate with whom I have no problems living together. In the common spaces there are colleagues who are more respectful of hygiene and others less so. That is why it is important to keep an order and follow some basic rules.
I am much happier at work here than in Spain. I appreciate that I am not being chased or that no one behind me is asking me to speed up the pace. In my work I go at my own pace, giving my best and following the guidelines.
I also emphasize the multiculturalism that exists in the work environment. There are people from all over the world, and this is always culturally enriching.
As for my English, I came here with a basic level, but now I notice that I have improved it a lot.
On my days off, I take the opportunity to visit cities, sightseeing and shopping.

Finally, I recommend having this experience through an agency like TENS Holanda, as you arrive in The Netherlands with work, housing, medical insurance and transportation. I think it is the essential starting point to be able to take off and grow in a new country.