The way Ana started her adventure with us can be considered comical and fortuitous. A friend of her boyfriend was working in Germany, and both Ana and her boyfriend started looking for agencies to follow in the footsteps of her friend and work in Germany.
Looking for offers to emigrate to German lands, they found an offer from TenS Holanda to work in the Netherlands and applied.
From the agency we received the CVs of Ana and her partner and we got ready to call them to explain the offers and more. Ana, she did not recall applying for her, so she declined the call. Right away, she realized the mistake and called back. Once they explained everything to her, she thought about it for a few days.
Luckily, Ana found an acquaintance who had gone with our agency to work in Holland and this person gave her confidence to make the decision to live the adventure.
When Ana conducted the interview she was 20 years old and the vacancy required a minimum age of 21 years. According to her, she turned 21, she sent all the documentation and remembers that the process was very simple and fast.
Once she arrived in the Netherlands, she had to adapt to a new culture and she confesses to us that this was something that she took a bit of trouble at first.
Once the adaptation process is over, she is very well. She has an apartment in Hoeven that she loves, where she lives with friends and also has a backyard.

Ana tells us that, at the beginning in her accommodation, there were two people with whom she had no relationship, but they left. At that time, Ana and her partner took the opportunity to ask the agency if a friend could go live there with them. Luckily, it was possible. Then another boy came in, and now they have formed a group that is like a family there.
The work that she is doing is very monotonous and at the time of the interview she has requested a change of job, with the aim of finding a company where she feels more motivated. Now, a week after the interview, we have found a company for Ana and her partner, where we wish everything to go smoothly.
His main objectives are: save money, live the adventure and discover a country that he did not know.
In general, they usually get around on foot or by public transport, and he tells us that once they went to visit the city of Antwerp (Belgium) by bus and it only cost them 11 euros.
Ana recommends living this experience, since if your goal is to work abroad, this is the easiest way to leave your country. You arrive at your new destination and you already have a job, accommodation and even medical insurance. As Ana says: «they give you many facilities».

Ana, we greatly appreciate your time dedicated to the interview and we sincerely hope that everything continues to progress as well as it has up to now. We are sure that you will continue to enjoy this experience!