David, from Gran Canaria, was on his island working as a diving instructor, his life’s job. Unfortunately, the current pandemic situation we are experiencing has prevented him from continuing to work and he has made the decision to go to the Netherlands to work.
The decision to go to the Netherlands and not to another country was marked by the culture of the country. David loves the mentality of the Dutch, he considers it a very developed, sustainable and modern country.
He tells us that since he got in touch with Yan (TenS Holanda’s recruiting consultant) everything has been very quick and easy. He tells us the following: “At first I thought it was very difficult to go to Holland but once you get your hands on it it’s faster than it seems”.
At first he was a little afraid of what he could find and, initially, he had planned to stay there only for a few months. Today, much happier, he wants to stay in Holland much longer than he thought a priori: “I feel I have to stay here”. Furthermore, he cares a lot about Yan’s treatment, which he considers a fundamental support as he feels close to him and helps him with any problems.
He currently shares a room and, as Yan advised him, sometimes this is a lottery. His partner is very calm and independent so he says he has no problems, even though David, who considers himself very close, would like to have more conversations with him.
In the company he is super happy, he has learned a lot and they have taught him so many things. He feels appreciated in his work and that is what matters most to him. He also tells us that if they see that you are doing well, the company focuses on you and helps you improve. He also points out that he had absolutely no problem with his salary, in fact he is living well and indulging in certain whims, such as the meals he prepares himself.
As for the English, he improves it every day and describes very well a feeling that has happened to many of us. He tells us that in the beginning it was difficult for him and he was shy, but there is a day when you click and everything just flows.
David recommends this experience to his friends and believes that Holland is full of opportunities, and leaving Spain is an experience that makes you grow as a person and gives you things you won’t experience if you stay home. It should be mandatory, it ends.
Finally, we wanted to thank David for taking his time during the interview. He has shown us that he is a person who overcomes adversity, with great adaptability and a special sympathy. We wish you to continue to be just as happy and have many successes.